Gem of Renaissance sculpture, the church was built from 1488 to honour the miraculous image of the Madonna and Child painted on the outside of a house that once stood here. The façade has a portico with four columns and the upper crown of 1560. All white in Botticino stone, it is finely decorated by the craftsmen who worked at the same time on palazzo Loggia and that sculpted capitals, pilasters and friezes with both sacred and profane motifs. In the niches above the side doors the two statues are the work of Calegari. The interior has a square plan and pentagonal apse; pillars and columns divide the interior into three naves, topped by four domes. Among the paintings are reported works by Moretto, Bagnadore, Marone and Cossali. In the apse, there is the miraculous image of the Madonna which, from the façade where it was found, was transported here in 1581.

Corso Martiri della Libertà - 25122 Brescia
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