Lonato del Garda

Activity time
Duration in hours
Distance in km
Suggested period

From the sports field parking of Esenta (125 m asl) you continue along via San Marco to the north until you cross and follow via Vallone. The road, paved until now, becomes a dirt road and you have to follow it for more than a kilometer when, out of the woods and passing a farm on the right at a junction with a large tree, you have to turn left. The road rises with a large bend surrounding a private park when, just before the villa, you turn left into a wooded area. After about 200 m, you come to a crossroads, take the right by climbing a narrow path that becomes more and more scenic and that runs along the ridge of the monte Nuvolo, isolated hill in the middle of the plain. After passing some hunting lodges, you will come across a large lawn with in the center the Polecra pond (215 m asl), with adjoining a small rural construction. Here the view extends from Lake Garda to the Apennines, from Mount Baldo to the city of Brescia and its highest mountains and it is very charming to wait for the sunset with the sun going down over the distant mountains of Piedmont, when visibility permits. After a break, continue downhill along the path, now wider, holding the right at a bar and then between cultivated fields, reaches the asphalt road of via San Tommaso, in the homonymous location, where there is also a parking lot. Here we turn left walking on the paved road, and reached a hill with a crossroads, keeping still the left path down along the dirt road via dei Ronchi to the hamlet of San Polo. At the first houses you turn left again in the South direction and continue for about a kilometer, ignoring the many crossroads that you meet. The environment is characterized first by the cultivated fields and then by the shade of the forest until, at a clear crossroads, turn left and continue the path to reach the villa encountered on the way before and retracing the route back to the starting point. Warning: do not go during the hunting season, generally from mid-September to mid-December, for the presence of many regular hunting lodges.

Route info
7,7 km
Activity time
3 h 00 min
Highest point
215 m
Safety guidelines

Make sure you take with you all the necessary equipment and clothes for excursions according to the season. Check the weather forecast the day before your trip and verify that the track is open on the day you choose. During the excursion do not deviate from the signalled path, respect the highway code and the environment, do not leave your waste along the path. The viability of the routes may not necessarily coincide with the indications, it needs to be verified permanently and periodically on the ground. The Author declines any responsibility for any accidents or damages that may occur on the proposed routes. 

Single emergency call number: 112

Punto di partenza

Lonato del Garda, Esenta, via S.Marco, 125 m slm

public transportation

Esenta can be reached by bus (www.apam.it).

How to get there

Esenta di Lonato can be reached from the highway exit of Desenzano del Garda, following the directions for Mantova along the SP567. Possibility of parking at the sports ground.

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