According to tradition, it stands on the site where St. Longinus, the soldier who wounded his crucified Jesus, hid the blood collected at the foot of the cross. The basilica, in its majestic current form, was commissioned by Ludovico II Gonzaga who in 1472 gave Leon Battista Alberti the task of designing the reconstruction of the pre-existing church dedicated to the apostle Andrew. The facade is characterized by classical elements, while the bell tower, built in 1413, has Gothic forms. The dome was built by Filippo Juvarra in 1765. The interior has a single nave with large square chapels on the sides. Interesting is the tomb of Mantegna, the painting "Holy Family and the Family of the Baptist" attributed to Mantegna and his school and the crypt with the Sacred Vases containing the relic of the blood of Christ. This is exhibited and carried in procession through the city streets on Good Friday.

Piazza Andrea Mantegna - 46100 Mantova
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